Monday, May 6th, is a Public Holiday in Ireland and below outlines your payroll obligations.
Employees enjoy certain benefits on these days, which might include:
- A paid day off on the holiday
- A paid day off within a month of the holiday
- An extra day of annual leave
- An additional day's pay
Entitlement for Full Time and Part Time Employees.
Full-time workers are immediately entitled to these benefits.
Part-time workers qualify after working 40 hours in the previous five weeks.
If a member of your staff is working on a Public Holiday, they are entitled to be paid for the day at their normal rate and to benefit from the public holiday. Work patterns should be taken into consideration in this regard.
Business on the Public Holiday.
Should the business be closed on a public holiday, employees scheduled to work are entitled to their normal pay.
If the business remains open and an employee works, eligible employees are entitled to either paid time off or an additional day's pay. The additional day's pay is what was paid for the normal daily hours last worked before the public holiday.
For employees not rostered on a public holiday, they will receive one-fifth of their normal weekly wage.
If an employee leaves their job during the week leading up to a public holiday after working the preceding four weeks, they are still eligible for holiday pay.
Additionally, if a public holiday falls on a weekend, employees are still entitled to a benefit, although there is no legal requirement to provide the following day off unless specified by the employer.
Lay Off Entitlement.
Those on temporary lay-off are entitled to benefits for any public holidays that occur within the first thirteen weeks of the lay-off.