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Dignity at Work:
How to Manage Bullying and Harassment


📅 Wednesday 27th November, 10:30am

Join us for an interactive webinar led by our guest speaker, Caroline Jenkinson, former Deputy Chairman of the Labour Court, to help you understand the nuances between bullying and harassment and provide proactive steps and practical strategies for managing and preventing these behaviours.

Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to promote dignity and respect in your workplace, ensuring a healthy and productive environment for all employees.

HR Duo Webinar Registration


About the webinar

During this webinar, Caroline will explore the critical distinctions between bullying and harassment in the workplace, understanding their definitions, characteristics, and impacts. We will discuss the legal implications of these behaviours and the responsibilities of employers and employees in addressing them. You will learn about effective strategies for managing and preventing both bullying and harassment, creating a culture of respect and dignity. Through actionable insights and strategies, you will be better prepared to handle these issues proactively and compassionately.
By the end of this webinar, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the differences between bullying and harassment, and you will be equipped with practical strategies to manage and prevent these behaviours in your workplace. Let's work together to ensure dignity and respect for everyone at work.


Learn how to design a Dignity at Work Policy


Understand the definitions and the distinctions between bullying and harassment.


Get a clear definition of Sexual or Gender-Based Harassment


Effective techniques for managing and addressing complaints


Role of HR and management in allegations against non-employees